Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
HCV Landlord Participation Webinar Series |
September 2018 PD&R Quarterly Market Update: Landlord Participation in the HCV Program
January 2020 Updates from HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Landlord Task Force
January 2020 Background and Introduction of HUD’s HCV Landlord Work
February 2022 HCV Utilization Webinar: Landlord Engagement
Webinar Series for the HCV Landlord Strategies Guidebook for PHAsThe Guidebook is available on the HUD Exchange. April 2020: Education and Outreach Chapter
October 2020: Technology Chapter
April 2021: Inspections and Matching Local Rental Markets Chapters
June 2021: Partnerships and Monetary Incentives Chapters
November 2021: Landlord Focused Customer Service Chapter
HCV Landlord Symposia |
Private market landlords are essential partners for successfully housing low-income families through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. As part of a larger effort to improve landlord participation and satisfaction with the HCV program, HUD began hosting periodical symposia events in the fall of 2019. While the ultimate goal of these symposia is to make it easier for HCV families to find housing that meets their needs and remain stably housed, the more immediate goals are (1) to provide opportunities for landlords, public housing agencies (PHAs), HUD, and other housing partners to connect, and (2) to provide current and relevant information and resources to landlords and PHAs. Please note that while the Symposia require registration, they are public events and may include speakers outside of HUD. Therefore, the entirety of content and comments should not be interpreted as the HUD’s position on certain issues. If you have questions about a presentation or comment, please email it to landlordtaskforce@hud.gov. If you have questions about these symposia, or if you’ve attended a symposium and have comments you’d like to share, please email HUD’s HCV Landlord Task Force at landlordtaskforce@hud.gov. (NEW!) HCV Landlord Symposium Planning Toolkit - HUD released an HCV landlord symposium planning toolkit in February of 2021 to support PHAs and HUD field offices in facilitating their own local events. The toolkit includes a detailed planning guide and range of templates. Find the toolkit on the HUD Exchange What’s next?HUD is planning to host a virtual symposium in the summer or fall of 2022. Like prior symposia, it will have a geographic focus. Make sure your HUD field office and local PHA have your current contact information so they can send you important updates on the HCV program, including plans for future events. Questions? Email coordinators at: HCV@FirstPic.org. Archive of HCV Landlord SymposiaIndianapolis – December 5, 2019: HUD’s first HCV landlord symposium
State of California – March 2nd – 4th, 2021: Virtual symposium for California landlords, PHAs, and VA administrators
State of Nevada Virtual – November 2021 – February 2022: Three-part symposium for Nevada landlords, PHAs, and housing stakeholders