FMC Bulletin

June 2005

May 18, 2005; #01-05

HOPE VI Procedures

Effective immediately, the following changes to the HOPE VI program will be implemented:

  1. Housing agencies (HAs) are no longer required to submit budget documents, forms HUD-52663, 52672, and 52673.

  2. All funding will automatically be scheduled for any existing and new HOPE VI awards.

  3. Until further notice, form HUD-52681 is still required for processing the HOPE VI year-end settlement.
Any HA that currently operates an existing HOPE VI program will soon receive a letter addressing these changes. If applicable, the letter will also provide a revised disbursement schedule reflecting the increase resulting from item #2, above.

Mod Rehab Responses

Readers are reminded that in accordance with PIH Notices 2001-13 and 2003-29, owners must submit written notification to HAs within 75 days of contract expiration to request either renewal or replacement. These notifications will soon be due for contracts expiring during the fourth quarter of federal fiscal year 2005. As to contracts expiring by the end of the third quarter (April-May-June) of federal fiscal year 2005, all owners should have communicated their renewal or replacement needs to the HAs by now. If the required information has not yet been received, an HA should contact the owner immediately so that funds may be requested. Upon receipt, the HA should ensure that the information is provided to the local field office for forwarding to the FMC. Failure to timely request funding may result in the automatic replacement of expiring occupied mod rehab units.

Year-End Settlement Reviews

The FMC is pleased to report that 97% of the 2004 Year-End Settlement reviews are completed.

2005 Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Notices

Recent publications that may be of interest include the following PIH notices:

  1. Notice PIH 2005-1, issued 12/08/04, implements the Housing Choice Voucher program funding provisions resulting from the enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005.

  2. Notice PIH 2005-7, effective 2-22-05, is titled "Rental Integrity Monitoring (RIM) Disallowed Costs and Sanctions Under the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project (RHIIP) Initiative." Its provisions apply to Public Housing programs and Housing Choice Voucher programs;

  3. Notice PIH 2005-9, issued February 25, 2005, provides guidance on administrative flexibility and actions HAs may take to reduce costs in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (Public Law 108-447); and

  4. Notice PIH 2005-14, issued April 22, 2005, is titled "Calendar Year 2005 Administrative Fee Funding for Homeownership Voucher Program Implementation and Closings." Its provisions allows public housing agencies to provide voucher assistance to low-income first-time homebuyers for monthly homeownership expenses, rather than for monthly rental payments.

The full text of these and other PIH notices are available at 2005 Notices, Rules and Regulations.