In most cases, lenders can manage their case processing needs, including loan endorsement activities, case cancellation, case reinstatement, case transfer, and other functions in the FHA Connection (FHAC) system.
Lenders access FHAC directly or through the FHA Connection Business to Government (B2G) interface. Technical details for entities utilizing a direct interface with FHAC are available on the FHA Connection Business to Government (B2G) Interface web page.
Case Cancellation and Case Reinstatement
Lenders must submit requests for case cancellation and case reinstatement through the Case Cancel/Reinstate Screen in FHAC or the B2G interface. Most requests will be processed automatically through the system.
When FHAC identifies an exception that requires FHA staff intervention, it will direct lenders to submit the request on the applicable template below and supporting documentation to the FHA Resource Center at
Case Transfer and Mortgage Insurance Certificate Corrections
All case transfer and Mortgage Insurance Certificate (MIC) correction requests must be submitted to the FHA Resource Center at, utilizing the template for each process provided below:
NOTE: Documents containing Social Security Numbers or other Personally Identifiable Information (PII) should be encrypted as follows:
- Utilize WinZip to encrypt and secure any PII.
- The password format for the file should be FHA + the first five digits of the requestor lender ID (i.e., FHA12345).
- Encrypted documents that cannot be opened using the lender ID on file will be returned.
If you have any questions regarding these procedures, email the FHA Resource Center at or call 1-800-CALLFHA (225-5342).