www.hudclips.org U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D. C. 20410-8000 May 11, 1989 Mortgagee Letter 89-15 TO: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES SUBJECT: Title Insurance Coverage for Single Family Conveyed Properties This Mortgagee Letter rescinds and replaces Mortgagee Letter 88-20 on the same subject. Although there are no changes in Method 1, we feel it will be more convenient for mortgagees to remove Mortgagee Letter 88-20 and to replace it with this Mortgagee Letter which contains a change in Method 2. When mortgagees tender to the Secretary of HUD a satisfactory conveyance of title and transfer of possession of the property, the instrument of conveyance must convey good marketable title to the property and be accompanied by title evidence satisfactory to the Secretary. (24 CFR 203.366). This letter provides mortgagees with instructions on the amount of title insurance coverage necessary in all conveyances to the Secretary. When a title policy is submitted to show HUD with good marketable title, the amount of title insurance coverage will be determined by one of the two methods described below: Method 1. Use of the Claims without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) If the mortgagee uses the CWCOT procedure in the foreclosure process, the amount of title insurance coverage should be obtained from the appraised value of the property. The mortgagee obtains this amount from one of the following sources: a. Form HUD-91022, Mortgagee Notice of Foreclosure Sale. The amount of title insurance coverage will be equal to the amount contained in Part B line 5. Mortgagees must be careful not to use the Commissioner's adjusted Fair Market Value found on line 7 of Part B. Please refer to Mortgagee Letter 87-20 , Claims Without Conveyance of Title for further information on Fair Market Value. b. If the mortgagee has not received the completed Part B of HUD-91022 from the local HUD office, it will use an amount equal to that contained in the latest FHA appraisal report ordered in conjunction with the CWCOT. c. If the mortgagee was required to obtain an appraisal from the Sheriff's office according to State or local law, it will use the amount of that appraisal for the title insurance coverage. _____________________________________________________________________ d. If no CWCOT appraisal report or copy thereof is available, the mortgagee must use Method 2 contained below to determine the amount of title insurance coverage. Method 2. Where CWCOT was not used If the mortgagee did not use the claims without conveyance of title procedures in the foreclosure process, or if it did, and no CWCOT appraisal report or copy thereof is available to the mortgagee, the amount of title insurance coverage must be equal to the unpaid principal balance under the mortgage. This amount will also be used when a title is conveyed to HUD through a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. Mortgagees may wish to alert their foreclosing agents of this policy, since in the past the agents were instructed to obtain title insurance policy in the amount of total approximate reimbursement from HUD. The unpaid principal balance will, of course, be a smaller amount than total reimbursement. The above-stated title insurance coverage procedures are effective 90 days after the date of this Mortgagee Letter. If you have any questions about this new procedure please direct them to the local HUD Office which has jurisdiction over the subject property. Sincerely yours, James E. Schoenberger General Deputy Assistant Secretary _____________________________________________________________________